Finally..i understood the meanin of tis proverb..“if u truely lov someone..u won't reali hav to possess him/her..u will onli wish to see him/her hapi..n u wil be satisfied..”
yesterday i hav confessed to a gal..she was my skulmate..we hav known each other for about 1 yr...we both are in the volleyball school team...she n i seldom chat in skul..but we get along quite well..i will always remember tat day..she hide behind my bck..hidin from the sunlite..cute isn't it..XD
N she oways complainin me hittin the ball too strong..she cnt catch it...n the times i'm acting like the coach teachin her hw to play..those unforgettable memories..
i hav seen her datin with her bf's one by one with my own eyes...n i onli hope she's hapi..tatz all..but i also c her broked up with them one by one..which is oso i hope she won't date with other boys again..cos i knw when she broke up with them..she is quite upset..i dun wish to c tat......i reali hope her nxt bf is me..cos i think im the one who can giv her hapiness...but...maybe nt...i knw i'm nt fit to be her bf..
i mean..i cnt reali take gud care of her cos im livin in a hostel..i cnt go out..i cnt oways accompany after i confess...i told her.."i knw im nt fit..sry.."
she said..." least we cn stil be frenz.." Nw tatz the onli thing i nid to oredi satisfied with tat answer...nt hopin for anymore stuff....
n watz more..although my confess has failed AGAIN tis time..i manage to at least
get a "CONSOLE PRIZE"..she's nw currently my female confidant..she allows me to share some of her n mine's secret with her... tis is oredi her limit..wat more cn i ask for anyway..?I... hope i cn always be by herside...whenever she nidz me..i will share her feelins no matter when or whr...n i wil oways lend my shoulder to her.....i promise...xxxx....I LOV U...